Our Forge plant was set-up in 1994 not only to fulfill the needs of our requirements but also do business with others. In this process we have established a vast clientele & the company has grown from its original production capacity of 900 ton - 2500 ton per annum.
Heat Treatment is the key to success of any component & we have made an investment of more than 2 crore rupees to set up our heat treatment facility. A modern facility exists at our Peenya Plant. We also render services to company’s who are in search of Quality Heat Treaters. A significant turn over on Heat Treating jobs has been achieved for the year.
Failure analysis helps in solving problems. Equipping with proper R & D team and Laboratory equipment is very essential for the same. All the necessary equipment required for metallurgical analysis, chemical analysis, NDT, & DT is available at our facility. Our Lab team includes expert Metallurgists, NDT Engineers, DT Engineers, Chemists & others.
Further to our Manufacturing of DTH Hammers & Button Bits we have started to mount Bore well rigs in 6" & 4 ½" Version. These rigs can be mounted on Tractors, Truck, and Bulldozers depending on the capacity of the compressor, drilling depth, & customer choice. Excellent fabricators, experts in hydraulics, pneumatic Engineers are teamed for the successful output of rigs.
In our plan to diversify we have chosen to manufacture & supply finished components as required by automobile & Machine tool industries which starts right from Raw-Materials, Heat Treatment, CNC Machining, Special Processes, and Packing as desired by our customer. Our other diversification include Business Process Outsource in various fields from different clients like Software Development, Information Management, Electronic Data Processing, Placements, Training, and many more activities. Our vision for the next decade is to exceed the requirements of the customer by producing a reliable product, give in-time delivery, after sales service & build a dedicated team of employees.
Quality is a continuous effort & all our companies have ISO 9001 Certification & NABL ISO/IEC 17025 has approved to our Laboratory.
I believe that adequate information is given about our group for your assessment. Please browse through our entire website for more details. Wish you good luck and Thank you. D. Rambabu
(Chairman of Hi-Tech Group) |